Friday, March 27, 2009


Hai..lama dah xupdate...tengokla..adam dah besar dah pun...sekarang dah 3 tahun lebih gambar ni menunjukkan tarnsformasi Adam dari umur setahun ke 2 tahun...Ibu xsempat nak buat gambar transformasi Adam yg terkini..bila Ibu ada masa Ibu buat ek!!Sayang Ibu...

Untuk pengetahuan semua Adam dah ada adik...Nama dia Fara Amina...tgkla kat sini

Adam sayang sangat kat adik...dia cute dan kelakar..sama macam Adam...Adam selalu usik dia..masa adik kecik dulu Adam selalu je nak buli dia...sebenarnya sampai sekarang pun Adam suka buli Adik..kesian dia..dah la Adik tu kuat nangis...suka sgt kalau dia nangis...hehehehe
Bila ada masa nanti Ibu akan update lagi blog Adam ni...tunggu yaaa.....

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Buka present!!!

Jom kita tengok aksi-aksi Adam buka birthday presentnyer.....

Selamat Hari Jadi Adam 2 tahun!!!

Tanggal 25 September 2007 yang lalu genapla usia Adam Harraz yang ke 2 tahun!!!
Mari saksikan aksi-aksi Adam menikmati kek harijadinya!!

Tu dia...dapat sepotong kek dah!!

Nyum...nyummm...Adam menikmati birthday cake nyer...

"Apa ni, bu?"
"Starberry celup coklat!"

"1...2...3....Happy birthday to you!!"

Birthday boy bersedia untuk menuip lilin!!

Sedapnyer kek harijadi ni....Nyum...nyummm...

Terkini tentang Adam Harraz (2)


30/9/2007 - Adam bersama pistol barunyer!!

15/9/2007 - Adam dan Nur Qistana Safa (WAWA)...

8/10/2007 - QS junior sedang sibuk menyiapkan tender reportnyer....heheheh...
Punyalah sibuk nak buat kerja sama macam ibu...Sabo je aku!!

15/9/2007 - Senyuman ceria Adam!!

15/9/2007 - Posing maut tu....

15/9/2007 - Senyuman yang manis mother like son!! heheheheh

Terkini tentang Adam Harraz (1)

Dah lama saya tak mencoret dalam blog Adam ni...Di sini saya sertakan gambar2 aksi-aksi Adam yang terkini...

10/10/2007 - Adam dan jelingan manjanyerrr...

10/10/2007 - Adam dan ayah...

8/10/2007 - QS junior...Adam ibu's office...Ada gaya tu...

8/10/2007 - Adam dan ibu kat ofis ibu...

7/10/2007 - Adam bersama-sama sepupunya, Aina Nabiha & Aina Dalila main bunga api...Selamat Hari Raya!!

24/8/2007 - Hensem boy posing sebelah kolam ikan Embah Lanang di kampung!!

19/8/2007 - Adam pakai tudung Anis (sepupu Adam)
comel tak?heheheheh....

Friday, June 29, 2007

Hobi baru Adam...

Adam ada hobi baru...sekarang ni setiap Jumaat kami pasti akan bawak Adam menonton orang bermain helicopter dan kapal terbang mainan kawalan jauh kat kawasan rumah kami.....
Tengok tu, asyiknye dua beranak father like son!

Mandi-manda di Kolam Renang Awam, Kuala Kangsar

Sempena Hari Pekerja, kami sekeluarga balik ke kampung dan membawa Adam bersama-sama sepupu-sepupunya ke Kolam Renang Awam di Kuala Kangsar...Bukan main suka Adam main ngn air....memang hobi dia...
Siap dengan baju renang tu.....

Monday, April 16, 2007

Photo taken by Adam Harraz

Anda semua percaya tak?
Gambar-gambar ni semua Adam yang captured sendiri....guna handphone suami saya...
Macam-macam gaya dia buat...
Nak tergelak tengok gelagat dia masa tengah dok capture gambar-gambar ni..
Siap senyum sorang-sorang lagi...
Believe it or not? Believe it....

17th months development of Adam Harraz

How your toddler's growing:

He's becoming much easier to understand now that he often combines pointing with a word or two. And her growing independence is asserting itself in numerous ways: He can undress himself (dressing himself will come much later), brush his teeth without your help and feed his dolly. But you should continue to brush his teeth for him, until he truly masters the job. He can sort things by color, shape, and type, which makes toys that encourage sorting particularly popular now. If "no" hasn't already become his favorite word, he'll begin using it with a vengeance. He's gradually easing toward one nap each day, which means this is a transition period that's potentially hard on both of you. If he's having trouble sleeping, try cuddling up with his for a few minutes to make it extra cozy.

Question: My toddler screams, thrashes, and twists away every time I try to brush his teeth. How can I get him to cooperate?
Answer: The simple answer is "with difficulty"! Still, dental hygiene isn't something you can — or should — avoid for long. In fact, as your child gets more teeth and eats more foods (including sweets) that might get stuck between those teeth, regular brushing becomes increasingly important. Some tips:Toddlers love copying most everything their parents do, so it's well worth it to make sure that one of those things is toothbrushing. Start by buying identically colored brushes for him and you.

Next, sit with your child on the bathroom floor so he can see what you're doing with the toothbrush and try to mimic it. Use a cup for rinsing and a bowl or the bathtub for spitting; each time your toddler puts the brush in his mouth, he earns the right to spit (undoubtedly a toddler's favorite part of the process!).Once your child is willing to put the toothbrush in his mouth, let him take a turn putting it in yours. Make a game of it: Each time he brushes your teeth, you get a shot at brushing his. If this ploy works, move on to the next step: Letting him "brush" your teeth while you do a thorough job on his. If the ploy doesn't work, though, don't push it. As you've already discovered, you can't force the toothbrush into your child's mouth without hurting or at least scaring him.Some other tricks: Let your toddler climb up on a footstool (with you behind him for safety) so he can see himself in the bathroom mirror. As he stares at the reflection of the two of you, point to and count his teeth and yours. Then touch each tooth with the brush "to give it its share of toothpaste." (Don't let your child use fluoridated toothpaste, though, until he's at least 2. Just use water on the brush until then.)Use whatever kids' toothpaste he likes most — this may have more to do with what's on the tube than in it. No matter what kind he chooses, though, be careful to use only a tiny dab and store it in a place where he can't help himself. It may also help to name each tooth as you attend to it so he's persuaded that no single tooth should be left out. This will appeal to his sense of justice and help keep his mouth open when boredom looms.No matter how you tackle toothbrushing, don't assume that it'll be easy — and don't expect perfection. Few toddlers are consistently cooperative about getting their teeth brushed. What's more, even if your child becomes positively enthusiastic about dental care and brushes his teeth with gusto, he lacks the manual dexterity to do a thorough job. Match his tooth-cleaning attempts with thorough cleaning of your own.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Jogging pertama Adam

Ada satu hujung minggu di masa usia Adam 16 bulan, saya dan suami bawak Adam berjongging ke satu Taman Rekreasi di Sekyen 10, Kota Damansara....Sebelum berjogging sempat jugak dua beranak ni berposing....hehehehehe...Tengokla Adam masa ni macam budak baik sangat!
Saya bawak Adam berjogging (sebenarnya berjalan-jalan je...heheheheh) mengelilingi Taman Rekreasi ni...seronok sangat dia dapat berjogging...lagi satu sebab kat taman ni pun ramai bebudak sebaya dia jadinya dia bertambah seronoklah berkawan....
Akibat keletihan siang tadi berjogging....malam tu Adam tidur awal...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

13, 14 dan 15 bulan....

Antara gambar-gambar Adam ketika berusia 13 bulan..Ada gaya macam model....Kalau tengok betul-betul muka Adam mesti nampak bekas merah-merah....itu adalah bekas kena chicken pox.....

Usia 14 bulan....dengan motosikal mainan dan jugak tabung-tabungnyer....

Usia 15 bulan...masa ni kat kampung Perak....Hari Raya Haji...tahun ni ibu buat akikah untuk Adam....
Info Mengenai Akikah
Pengertian akikah ialah sembelihan binatang an'am yang dilakukan kerana menyambut kanak-kanak yang baru dilahirkan sebagai tanda kesyukuran kepada Allah.
Hukum akikah ialah sunat muakad bagi orang yang menanggung sara hidup kanak-kanak tersebut. Jika anak itu lelaki disunatkan menyembelih dua ekor kambing, manakala jika anak itu perempuan disunatkan menyembelih seekor kambing. Binatang seperti lembu, kerbau atau unta boleh dibahagikan kepada tujuh bahagian.
Waktu akikah adalah dari hari kelahiran kanak-kanak itu sehinggalah ia baligh. Masa yang paling afdal untuk melakukan akikah adalah pada hari ketujuh kelahiran kanak-kanak itu. Sabda Rasullullah s.a.w.: Yang bermaksud: "Setiap bayi itu tergadai dengan akikahnya. Disembelih untuknya pada hari ketujuh dan dicukur kepalanya dan diberi nama."

1 year old Adam Harraz

Happy birthday Adam! Happynyer anak ibu bila dah masuk umur 1 tahun....masa ni Adam dah pandai berdiri dan start melangkah dua tiga excited masa tu....